
Full day (1 day)

Minimum passengers

1 passenger

Buy 72 hours
before departure date


A day in the magical town of Cachi, Cuesta del Obispo and Los Cardones National Park!


  • Natural areas visits (additional cost)
  • Guided visits (incluided)

Departure place

  • Search for hotels located in the central radius.
  • Otherwise the meeting point is the agency located in Buenos Aires 105 - Salta
  • The hourly range is from 7.10 to 7.45

Guide's language

  • Spanish
  • English


Day 1
  • As in the Cafayate excursion, we left by RN 68 through the towns of Cerrillos, La Merced, El Carril, from where we will take the RP 33 towards the west, to enter the Andes Mountains through the Quebradas de Los Laureles and Escoipe, after touring them and discovering imposing landscapes and appreciating the terraces of crops where the peasants of the area grow vegetables in the same way as their ancestors did, we will begin to walk through the famous Cuesta del Obispo , a winding path surrounded by impressive rock formations and natural walls where we can see condors, among others. We arrive at Piedra del Molino, our highest point at 3348 meters above sea level.
  • From this point our landscape will change radically as we leave the subtropical valley, we will cross the Tin Tin straight, part of the Inca Trail, we will make a stop in Agua de los Loros where the viewpoint of the Nevado de Cachi is located, we will cross the Los Cardones National Park, Payogasta, and our final destination, Cachi. There after lunch we visit the town with its colonial architecture that is preserved intact, its Church, its Museum that keeps the history of the indigenous communities of the area, and the artisan market where the craftsmen of the area are offered textiles. the return to Salta.-


  • Search for the hotel, as long as it is within the central radius.
  • Guide
  • insurance

Not Include

  • Foods
  • Drinks
  • Entrance fees to museums or archaeological sites


  1. Regular excursion shared with other passengers
  2. Small groups up to 18 people
  3. Children up to 3 years
  4. The search hours can vary between 7.10 to 7.45.
  5. The passenger must carry their identity documents
  6. Full new model vehicles

USD 29.00

{{ stocky }} spots remaining10 spots remaining
(up to 10 years)
{{ reservation.adult_subtotal = (reservations.adults_qty * || 0 }}{{ reservation.children_subtotal = (reservations.childrens_qty * reservation.prices.children) || 0 }}
Total:  USD {{, reservation.children_subtotal) / 1 | number:2 }}
Total: {{, reservation.children_subtotal) | number_to_currency:{ delimiter: ',', format: '', precision: 0, separator: '.', unit: 'USD'} }}
* Discount applied of USD {{ / 1 | number:2 }} per passenger from {{ discountByQuantity.quantity }} passengers. 
* DiscountIncrease applied of {{discountBySeason.discount_percent * 100 | number:0 }}% from {{discountBySeason.start_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }} to {{discountBySeason.end_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }}

Departure date: {{ departure_on }}