Panamá Oeste 

Full day (1 day)

Minimum passengers

2 passengers

Buy 72 hours
before departure date


Enjoy a day in the paradisiacal islands of San Blas.


  • Natural areas visits (incluided)

Departure place

  • We pick them up in Panama City, in the Casco Antiguo, Financial Zone, San Francisco, Bella Vista, Marbella, Obarrio, Punta Pacifica, etc. Pick up from hotels in GAMBOA, Playa Bonita, Costa del Este, Tocumen have an extra charge.

Guide's language

  • Spanish


Day 1
San Blas
Tour start time: Daily departures 5:00 a.m.
  • Enjoy a day in the paradisiacal islands of San Blas.
  • Departure very early in the morning with 4x4 to the port of Cartí, where we will embark the small motor boats with the Guna Yala Indigenous Guide.
  • They will visit some of the most incredible islands of the Indigenous reserve, including the natural pool of starfish.
  • Free time to snorkel, swim, or just relax on the white sand with a drink.
  • The attraction of the Archipelago, formed by more than 360 islands, is not only its natural beauty, it allows the visitor to learn about the Indigenous culture of the Guna Yala, their language, their customs, crafts and their autonomous territory.
  • Departure at 5 am and return to the city between 6 to 7 pm


  • Transportation in 4x4 with A / C
  • Boat
  • Indigenous local guide
  • 1 bottle of water, 1 soda or beer
  • Entrance to the Port and the islands
  • Traditional lunch (fish with rice)

Not Include

  • Breakfast
  • GUNA YALA TAX (20 US $ foreigners or 5 US $ residents)
  • Other drinks
  • Umbrella
  • Snacks


  2. Bring repellent, sunscreen, sunglasses, swimsuit, towel and change clothes
  3. Other drinks can be purchased on the way or on the main islands.
  4. OPTIONAL. snorkel equipment
  5. OPTIONAL: Private tour, Guide in another language - San Blas is an indigenous reserve with basic services in a fantastic natural environment.
  6. Tour can be modified or canceled due to bad weather conditions
  7. Children from 5 to 12 years old pay reduced price
USD 128.00

{{ stocky }} spots remaining10 spots remaining
(up to 10 years)
{{ reservation.adult_subtotal = (reservations.adults_qty * || 0 }}{{ reservation.children_subtotal = (reservations.childrens_qty * reservation.prices.children) || 0 }}
Total:  USD {{, reservation.children_subtotal) / 1 | number:2 }}
Total: {{, reservation.children_subtotal) | number_to_currency:{ delimiter: ',', format: '', precision: 0, separator: '.', unit: 'USD'} }}
* Discount applied of USD {{ / 1 | number:2 }} per passenger from {{ discountByQuantity.quantity }} passengers. 
* DiscountIncrease applied of {{discountBySeason.discount_percent * 100 | number:0 }}% from {{discountBySeason.start_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }} to {{discountBySeason.end_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }}

Departure date: {{ departure_on }}