Escuintla Guatemala Sacatepéquez 

7 hours

Minimum passengers

2 passengers

Buy 48 hours
before departure date


The Pacaya Volcano day trip is a beginning of adventure in Guatemala: active, easy and fun for the whole family. At 2552m the Pacaya Volcano is less challenging than our other hikes, but the views and volcanic landscape make it well worth it and still a great adventure!

It is still the most fun active volcano in Guatemala. Join this excursion to experience an active volcano that still has lava hotspots, cooled lava chambers, and a broken peak from the great 2010 eruption. Recently Pacaya has become more active again, so if you're lucky you'll get to see some of new lava (from a safe distance!). You can also toast marshmallows in the freshly cooled lava. This is a half-day excursion, suitable for families and great for groups of travelers. We do not take the normal tourist route, instead we take you on a private circular path that gives you the opportunity to see things that most tourists do not see.


  • Natural areas visits (incluided)
  • Climbing, mountaineering (incluided)
  • Hike, trekking (incluided)
  • Climbing (incluided)
  • Guided visits (incluided)

Departure place

  • Meeting point: Our tour will pick up passengers at their hotels if they were in different, to start with this experience called Pacaya Volcano.

Guide's language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • Italian


Day 1
Pacaya Day Tour
Start time: 6AM or 2 PM Choose the time that suits you best!

  • Meeting at your hotel to begin with instructions to everyone.
  • We make sure that everyone has what they need and it is well packaged.
  • 30 min - 1hr 30min: Transportation to the volcano
  • It usually takes around an hour, but there is traffic sometimes, so be patient ... the wait is well worth it!
  • 1hr 30min - 3hr: Hiking
  • We start the hike in farmland that we quickly leave behind and start to enter the cloud forest area, the time changes depending on the group size / capacity etc, but we must reach the lava fields after about 1 - 1 1 /2 hours.
  • 3hr - 3 hr 30min: Lunch / Dinner (Not included)
  • Eat your delicious food on a large gazebo overlooking the lava fields
  • 3hr 30min - 4hr 30min: Exploration and Marshmallow Roast!
  • Time to explore the lava fields, our guide will take you to any recent lava flow and you can roast marshmallows in a hot spot.
  • 4hr 30min- 5hr 30min PM: Return on foot
  • 5h 30min- 6h 30min: Transportation back to Antigua


  • Tourist type vehicle with A / C
  • Pilot guide in English / Spanish
  • Local guide in the Volcano
  • Admission to the National Park
  • Pure water

Not Include

  • Personal expenses
  • Others not included in this program.


  1. Pacaya Volcano: What to bring: For our one-day trek to Pacaya Volcano we offer two starting times; 6AM and 2PM. For both tours we recommend that you bring comfortable walking clothes and a good pair of sports shoes. The rock is quite uneven and uneven, so please do not wear sandals. We also recommend that you bring a hat, sunscreen, and a raincoat for all-weather planning.
  2. Pacaya Volcano Eruptions: Volcanic Activity (2021): Recently the Pacaya volcano has become more active again, there is a smaller cone growing inside the main crater, and if you are lucky you will be able to see lava (from a safe distance, of course! !). Currently there are new lava flows every 3-4 days and at night the red glow of the cone can be seen. However, the volcanic activity of the Pacaya Volcano is unpredictable and we cannot guarantee that lava will be seen. If you want to maximize your chances of seeing lava, take a look at our night walk in Pacaya.
  3. Pacaya Volcano: With Children: We recommend this tour if you want to do the Pacaya Volcano with children, the hike is relatively easy and they will love exploring the lava fields and roasting marshmallows in the hot spots. For children under 5 years we recommend carrying a backpack or being able to carry them if they get tired.
  4. Age restriction, Children: Although the ascent is not difficult to access, we recommend that the minimum age to bring a child is 7 years old, although there are always horses for hire to climb.
  5. Pacaya Volcano: On horseback: There is always the option of doing the Pacaya Volcano on horseback if you get tired. This costs around Q150 and is paid directly to the person driving the horse.
  6. Pacaya Volcano Hike: Difficulty: The Pacaya Volcano day trip is the least challenging volcano tour we operate, but that doesn't mean it's easy! The walk from the beginning of the trail to the lava fields takes about 1 to 2 hours, here we have our snack and then we go exploring; staring at hot spots, any new lava flows, and roasting marshmallows. This usually lasts around 1:30 hours. It then takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour to get back to the trailhead for transportation back to Antigua, Guatemala.
USD 240.00

{{ stocky }} spots remaining10 spots remaining
(up to 10 years)
{{ reservation.adult_subtotal = (reservations.adults_qty * || 0 }}{{ reservation.children_subtotal = (reservations.childrens_qty * reservation.prices.children) || 0 }}
Total:  USD {{, reservation.children_subtotal) / 1 | number:2 }}
Total: {{, reservation.children_subtotal) | number_to_currency:{ delimiter: ',', format: '', precision: 0, separator: '.', unit: 'USD'} }}
* Discount applied of USD {{ / 1 | number:2 }} per passenger from {{ discountByQuantity.quantity }} passengers. 
* DiscountIncrease applied of {{discountBySeason.discount_percent * 100 | number:0 }}% from {{discountBySeason.start_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }} to {{discountBySeason.end_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }}

Departure date: {{ departure_on }}