
3 hours

Minimum passengers

1 passenger

Buy 16 hours
before departure date


We will visit the main tourist points of the capital of Uruguay, in this tour of approximately 03:30 hours.
We make 06 stops to take pictures.


  • Cultural visits (incluided)
  • Guided visits (incluided)

Departure place

  • First Hotel the pick up is 07:45 am, we go neighborhood by neighborhood doing the lift to start the tour at approximately 09:00 am or 09:15 am.
  • Once booked the tour will be coordinated
  • Days of operation: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

Guide's language

  • Spanish
  • English
  • Portuguese


Day 1
Tour route

Start time: 9:00 am

  • We invite you to go on a walk together through the capital of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, and thus discover our cultural heritage through our eclectic architecture, green areas and a walk along the riverbank.
  • We start in the Old City , where we can find magnificent nineteenth-century buildings, such as the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Cabildo.
  • We will continue to Plaza Independencia where we will have time for photos of the Salvo Palace, Solís Theater, Executive Tower, Estevez Palace and Puerta de la Ciudadela.
  • Through the main avenue 18 de Julio we will appreciate different new and old buildings, shops, squares and then go directly to the Legislative Palace where we will stop to take photos of its exterior.
  • We will make a brief stop at the Agricultural Market , then we go to the Batlle Park where the Carreta Monument and the Centennial Stadium, a monument of world football, are located.
  • It is worth a short stop for a photo at the Montevideo sign with a beautiful setting of Pocitos Beach and the Kibon Center.
  • This three-hour walk comes to an end in Carrasco, the most elegant suburb of Montevideo.


  • Local guide throughout the tour.
  • Last generation transport with air conditioning.

Not Include

  • Drinks, meals and tips.


  1. Vehicle types Volvo G7 Marcopolo, MicroBus Agrale, Mercedes Benz Sprinter and Hiunday buses.
  2. Regular Service.
  3. Children under 02 years FREE sharing the seat with parents.
USD 24.00

{{ stocky }} spots remaining10 spots remaining
(up to 10 years)
{{ reservation.adult_subtotal = (reservations.adults_qty * || 0 }}{{ reservation.children_subtotal = (reservations.childrens_qty * reservation.prices.children) || 0 }}
Total:  USD {{, reservation.children_subtotal) / 1 | number:2 }}
Total: {{, reservation.children_subtotal) | number_to_currency:{ delimiter: ',', format: '', precision: 0, separator: '.', unit: 'USD'} }}
* Discount applied of USD {{ / 1 | number:2 }} per passenger from {{ discountByQuantity.quantity }} passengers. 
* DiscountIncrease applied of {{discountBySeason.discount_percent * 100 | number:0 }}% from {{discountBySeason.start_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }} to {{discountBySeason.end_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }}

Departure date: {{ departure_on }}