Chiriquí Panamá 

6 days and 5 nights

Minimum passengers

2 passengers

Buy 48 hours
before departure date


This tour combines altitudinal ranges that go from 300 meters above sea level to 3,200 meters in the Talamanca mountains, giving the opportunity to find a great diversity of species in relatively short trips. The Chiriquí Highlands form a large mosaic of cloud forest and crops that includes the Barú Volcano and La Amistad national parks, with a huge variety of regional endemic species from the Central Cordillera, shared by Panama and Costa Rica.


  • Bird watching (incluided)
  • Flora, wildlife observation (incluided)
  • Hike, trekking (incluided)
  • Guided visits (incluided)

Departure place

  • Pick up from Enrique Malek International Airport in David.

Guide's language

  • Spanish
  • English


Day 1
  • Arrival and pick-up at David's international airport, and departure to our hotel in the Chiriquí Highlands .
  • Depending on the arrival time of the flight, we will make several stops along the way to observe birds.
  • At certain times of the year, very close to the airport it is possible to find the endemic Veraguan Mango.

Day 2
Barú Volcano National Park
  • Early departure to the Volcán Barú National Park , in search of the Quetzal and other species of the mountain forest: Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher, Barred Becard, Black-faced Solitaire, Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch, Black-capped Flycatcher, Buffy Tuftedcheek , Ruddy Treerunner, Blue-throated (Emerald) Toucanet, Volcano Hummingbird
  • In some sections of the Sendero de los Quetzales it is possible to find Silvery-throated Jay.
  • Lunch: picnic

Day 3
International Friendship Park
  • Full day visiting this park, declared a World Heritage Site and part of the Talamanca volcanic mountain range , where the highest concentration of regional endemic species in Panama is found: Silvery-fronted Tapaculo, Yellow-thighed Finch, Collared Redstart, Flame-throated Warbler, Prong-billed Barbet, Wrenthrush (Zeledonia) ...

Day 4
Volcano Lagoons, Tamandúa Private Reserve
  • Very early we will be in the Tamandúa Private Reserve and its trails, in search of typical mountain forest species: Volcano Hummigbird, Maroon-Chested Ground Dove, Sooty Capped Clhorospingus, Fiery-throated Hummigbird, Costa Rican Pygmy-Owz
  • After lunch we will visit the lagoons of Volcán , near the city of the same name: two volcanic calderas surrounded by secondary forest and coffee farms, which provide the ideal habitat for mountain species such as Scarlet-Rumped Tanager, White-throated Flycatcher, Olivaceous Piculet , Masked Yellowthroat, and various waterfowl.
  • Dinner and night in Volcán.

Day 5
Hartmann Estate
  • We will drive to Finca Hartmann , a coffee farm founded in 1940 and run by the same family since then.
  • We will visit the coffee processing plant and the surrounding land, in whose forests you can see a great variety of mountain species: Collared Trogon, Golden-browed Chlorophonia, Red-headed Barbet, Chiriqui Quail-Dove, White-crowned Parrot, Fiery-billed Aracari , Golden-Olive Woodpecker, Pale-billed Woodpecker and many others.

Day 6
Paradise: lowlands
  • After breakfast we will leave our hotel and descend towards Paraíso, in the Lowlands of Chiriquí, in search of Orange-collared Manakin, Spot-crowned Euphonia, Charming Hummingbird, Black-hooded Antshrike, Riverside Wren, Slaty Spinetail and many other species.
  • We will visit Birding Paradise, a small family farm where you can see a huge variety of hummingbirds: Long-billed and Plain-capped Starthroat, Crowned Woodnymph, Snowy-bellied Hummingbird, Blue-throated Golden-tail and up to 24 species regularly visit their waterers.
  • After lunch we will go to David airport, in time to take the flight back to Panama City.


  • Guide
  • Transport
  • Internal flight Panama-David-Panama
  • Accommodations
  • Meals and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Entrance to national parks and private reserves

Not Include

  • International flights
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Laundry service
  • Tips
  • Phone calls


  1. Binoculars
  2. Waterproof boots
  3. Rain protection


Hotel 3 star Hotel Dios Rios
  • Hotel located in Volcán Tierras Altas, offers pleasant rooms that include air conditioning, and you can stay connected during your stay, since Hotel Dos Rios offers guests free Wi-Fi.
  • In addition, Hotel Dos Rios offers a restaurant and bar to relax after a busy day.
  • Free parking is available for guests with a car.


Land Vehículos propio del operador
  • 4x4 vehicles
USD 2,399.00

{{ stocky }} spots remaining10 spots remaining
Number of people
Start time
7:00 am
{{ reservation.adult_subtotal = (reservations.adults_qty * || 0 }}{{ reservation.children_subtotal = (reservations.childrens_qty * reservation.prices.children) || 0 }}
Total:  USD {{, reservation.children_subtotal) / 1 | number:2 }}
Total: {{, reservation.children_subtotal) | number_to_currency:{ delimiter: ',', format: '', precision: 0, separator: '.', unit: 'USD'} }}
* Discount applied of USD {{ / 1 | number:2 }} per passenger from {{ discountByQuantity.quantity }} passengers. 
* DiscountIncrease applied of {{discountBySeason.discount_percent * 100 | number:0 }}% from {{discountBySeason.start_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }} to {{discountBySeason.end_date | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }}

Departure date: {{ departure_on }}